
Shaula Schaham is a multidisciplinary Israeli and international artist who lives in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

She first became well known in her successful interior design career in the US.  In 2005, Shaula returned to Israel, and since then she has dedicated her time to improving her artistic career, a passion that started in her childhood and was inspired by her mother.

Through her career as a designer, she designed for her clients, colorful intricate area rugs, which reflected her special talent for color. Among the many projects she was involved with, she also created an initiative of decorative pillows manufacturing, a need she identified through her work.  Her unique and innovating designs and use of unconventional material were exhibited in a NYC furniture showroom.

Her endless passion for beauty, her refined eye and taste are well reflected in her use of color and in her composition.  Her paintings express the constant dialogue between her colors, textures, and her imagination with the interpretation of the brushes on the canvas creating a diverse collection of styles from figurative, expressive all the way to abstract.

Her rich, daring color pallet explodes on the canvas and carries the observer into a fascinating journey into an artist’s imagination.

In the last years, Shaula joined The Vida Company venture, and her paintings now are printed on clothing, bags and scarves.  In addition, Shaula is a member of the international artist organization WAG, winning prizes for her photography and poems also appearing on their book of “Winners”.  Her paintings appear in other several art books as well, and she took part in many shows in Israel and Europe.

As someone who graduated with a B.A in Psychology besides Interior design school, Shaula is not only interested in the external nature of man, but also explores the deepest human conditions and feelings.  She also manages to channel the beauty of nature and our world and gives it her own interpretation on the Canvas.  Her extensive travel around the world inspires her creation on all levels and translates into beautiful collages, mix media and photography.

Shaula’s paintings weave an interesting combination of reality and dream, with the vivid color pallet, which expresses her passion for life inviting the observer to take part in a magical journey.

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